Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wordless (almost) Wednesday - Modeling @ 37.5 weeks preggo!

As mentioned in my 35 weeks preggo post, I found a small modeling gig at a local tattoo convention. Who would've thought that I would get to enjoy a tattoo convention while preggo? Not this girl, that's for sure!

Anyhoo, here are some photos from the weekend. It was super fun. I was modeling for Warm-Me, which is a fleece clothing line meant for people who live in cold temperatures and need that extra warmth. They also have a line of clothes that helps to keep your back in the upright position, thus, less back pain. (Also amazing for us preggo's!)

My pictures will also be on the website soon because they didn't have enough preggo's to model! Awesome, right?

Enjoy. :)


  1. How cool! You look great! I bet it was a lot of fun.

  2. OH that sounds like fun!! Our due dates are SOOOO close! :)

    1. We are really close with our due dates! Though I feel like I'm going to go over my date simply because I'm so COMFY in my body.

      I hereby challenge you to a labor party! It shall be called "Who will go into labor first?!" Winner will get bragging rights. ;)

  3. I'm from N. CA also and just moved to SoCal in Aug...congrats on the modeling gig and good luck you're almost due!

    1. Thank you!

      I've read/commented on your blog a few times, but I never did find out where exactly in N. CA you are from. I am from Red Bluff, a small city between Chico/Redding. What about you?

  4. Veronica, just found your blog. You look beautiful!
    Happy WW!

    1. Thank you so much Verena!
      You've got a new follower as well. :)

  5. you make being pregnant look good!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    good luck with your new baby!

    1. Thank you! And I am also a follower of you. I love reading other mom blogs. :)

  6. I love your blog and Im glad I found it. I look forward to upcoming post about the baby!

  7. Beautiful and cute! Love polka dots. Hope you don't have to suffer from back pain a lot longer. What about having a beloved baby on Valentine's Day? ;o)

    1. hahah. You know too much about my back pain. ;)
      I wouldn't mind a Valentine's baby, but I doubt it'll happen.
      But you bet your ass you will know if it happens!

  8. You look fabulous! Thanks for linking up at Royalegacy

  9. That is so cool! You look amazing! :)

  10. You are just way too fabulous preggo. I have a friend living in Frankfurt who went 40 weeks with twins, and rode her bike everywhere too. You Europeans (even if you are transplants) seem to know how to take care of yourselves. :)

    1. haha, Thank you! I feel fabulous for 38 weeks preggo! I never though my body would do so well with the pregnancy.
