A random compilation of shit about me. (Continuously updated.)
- I've had a lot of animals growing up, including: dogs, cats, a hamster, fish, ferrets and pigs. My sisters also had: a rat, a turtle, and a sheep. My parents also had: a horse, chickens, and ducks.
- No, we did not live on a farm.
- In high school I participated in a lot of shit, including: 4-H, FFA, ASB, and the Spirit Club.
- Sports I have played growing up while in school and out of it were: softball, swim team, basketball, flag football, volleyball, track & field, and many softball leagues after school, both slow pitch, fast pitch, and co-ed.
- I grew up in a cow-town with tons of cowboys.
- I love country music. I didn't know anything besides country music until I was about 12, and that's when I listened to Will Smith and TLC.
- While I love country music, I PREFER rock. Oldies, Metal, 80's, 90's, Modern, Punk, and everything mixed in between.
- I cuss. A lot.
- My favorite color is black. And dark red.
- I am obsessed with skulls.
- I'm lazy, but when I'm not, I love to work out.
- I love to sit down and watch a good movie.
- My husband is 14 years my senior. He is, in fact, closer to my parents ages than mine.
- I love tattoos, and I *NEED* more.
- I love piercings, and have my ears pierced twice, but anything beyond that is not my style.
- Speaking of style, if I had an unlimited amount of money, I'd love to re-do my entire wardrobe. And I would call my style: "Dirty Country Rocker."
- I love Reeses.
- Who am I kidding?! I love food.
- I love beer. Lots of it.
- I speak English, German and (some) Spanish.
- My dream is to move back to California and raise my family there.
- I will be famous some day. Whether it's for my booger post or not, only time will tell.
- When I was a kid, I said I wanted to be an Artist when I grew up.
- Because I used to draw a lot, and both my sisters (also) love tattoos, my older sister tried to encourage me to become a Tattoo Artist.
- I hate rap music. Though some hiphop I can stand.
- I have an irrational fear of the dark. Really.
- I am scared of sharks, and will not swim in the ocean if I cannot see my feet.
- This also goes for lakes. I have an irrational fear of the Loch Ness Monster swimming around my feet.
- I have a somewhat minor case of OCD. No really.
- I became a "house wife" when moving to Germany, however, my "domestication" didn't really kick in until I had William.
- I breast feed, cloth diaper, co-sleep, and baby wear. Attachment Parenting? Hippie? No. I'd rather not label myself with anything. I AM ME.
My best duckface.
Who says your Loch Ness fear is irrational?