Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Beautification Station

Some girlfriends of mine were showing off their "Beautification Stations" to each other and I thought, what a great idea! And why not incorporate it into my WW? And then it was. :)

Also, what you can't see in the picture are my "meds." Have I mentioned how much it sucks being sick while you're pregnant? (This is nasal spray and vapor rub because, ya know, pregnant girls can't take pills. Joy!)


  1. Love your station - very organized! I need to tackle my own beautification station. Hope you feel better!!

  2. I need to make a beautification station - what a great idea! And I hope you feel better soon - it does suck being sick while pregnant...been there, done that. ;)

    Introducing the World's Smallest Warrior Cat

  3. Love that you got the baby on camera kicking! And, it's always fun to see what other people use to beautify! Hope you feel better soon!

  4. I wish I could be so organized. Thanks for sharing!

  5. LOVE your beautification station!! I need a space like this my little Monkey can't get into. She likes putting on my make-up and brushing her hair.
