Friday, August 31, 2012

My Life Rocks via Instagram

It's Friday, yo!

Well, that doesn't typically mean anything too exciting for me, seeing as I am a SAHM and my days pretty much run together. Normally I would say something like "YAY my husband will be home the next couple days" but the fucker works a lot, tomorrow included. And I have no idea if he's working Sunday or not at the moment.

He *did* say, though, that he's planning on working a half-day tomorrow so that we can go shopping. WOO! I love me some shopping.

If you already follow me on Instagram (doubtful) then you may have seen these photos. But oh well. Let's do a recap. So, top- bottom, left-right (maybe next time I'll number these.. ha.):

1. Big boy William riding in the grocery cart for the first time! Look at those thighs! He *did* have pants on but they got wet and, well, it was warm enough for my chunky monkey to chill with his socks on. Even if his legs were eating them. ha!

2. Mr. Macho Man (aka husband) lugging William around in his car seat because we made a spontaneous trip to the mall last night and didn't have our stroller with us. Oops! (Which explains photo number 1.) We found a shopping cart and Mr. Macho Man declared it the "Cheapest Stroller Ever." 

3. William and his first sippy cup! He figured that shit out pretty quickly, but still would rather chew on the handles. Teethers coming in and all, ya know?

4. William learning how to read! Okay, not really. I was reading and he wanted to turn the pages himself. But he wasn't turning them, he was trying to eat them. 

5. Changing table organization! A friend here in Germany was asking how I organize my cloth diapers and whatnot, and what I use to organize them. Changing table (as well as the rest of the furniture) is from Höffner, and the squishy boxes holding everything inside are from Ikea.

6. William (see a pattern here?) entertaining the idea of a pacifier. He hasn't used once since about his 3rd week of life. But because he has teeth coming in, he enjoys chewing on them for a minute or two now. 

7.  Husband and William at McDonalds last Sunday. We had made a pit stop for breakfast when driving home Chris and his girlfriend. William is much stronger than you'd think! 

8. I declared Sunday comfy-day. Tights and knock-off Converse it was. 

9. Mr. Cow Butt was pissed off on his belly. He repeatedly rolls to his belly, but then gets pissed of because.. Well, I don't know. But he gets pissed off. Kid is learning how to scoot around on his belly. Fun shit. 

So did you notice the pattern? Yeah, William is 90% of my photos. (Okay, I did the math. He's in 77% of them.) But that's pretty much what happens being a SAHM. He *is* the boss in our house, and we knew that before he was born.

Maybe I'll try to take some photos of myself more often.. ha. 

Does your life rock? Link up!


  1. Great pictures. I don't have instagram nor do I really even know what it is. I am so uncool. I know what you mean about the pictures though. I am a SAHM and most of my pictures are of the brothers or the groom. Of course, I don't like anyone taking pictures of my fatass so that might have something to do with it.

    BTW, thanks for following my blog. It's a work in progress. Hope I don't bore you too much. I tried following yours and couldn't figure it out (refer to the above uncool statement) so I followed you on Facebook.

  2. Hey there ^^

    I gave one Liebster Award to you!

    Have a nice day!

  3. Btw. I love how you name your husband ... The fucker and Mr. Macho Man haha. Remembers me of how I called my boyfriend Mr. Stinkyhead in my blog once :-) Awwww love is beautiful .

    1. He has a lot of other names too. The most popular one is asshole. I love my asshole. :)

  4. Hey I started following you from Rockin Mama's blog!! Love the pictures! Come by and check mine out and follow me!

  5. those chubby legs! I love them! adorable photos! he had beautiful eyes! thanks so much for linking up with me!
